And I still cannot tell you.
I'm pretty sure I want to be a flight attendant right out of college.
Yeah. I know. Crazy right?
A flight attendant.
You have to deal with so much stuff - the variety of people, the dangers, and the whole day-to-day action that goes never know when you're going to be asked to take a flight.
But the traveling is what I want.
I am not tied down at the moment. I have a boyfriend, yes. But I don't have a house or children or anything like that. It seems like the only plausible time to take this my case.
But I love flying and I love change. I could interact with different people everyday and make their plane trips just as awesome as mine are. And I really love going to new places.
I realize I'd be mostly traveling within the US, but it is SOMETHING!
But then I thought...what am I going to do after that?!
Oh how strange my life is going to be.
I think I'll get my associates degree in nursing and be a RN. They're in demand wherever you go and the pay is better than most journalism jobs I'd be doing! But the schooling...and the money for school...and CHEMISTRY...ick. I'd have to REALLY not have anything else to do. ...however I do LOVE to be in hospitals. True Story. The chemical smells and the scrubs and the atmosphere of good being done (I know what I'm trying to say okay?). I would feel needed there. And I think I could EXCEL at that.
But then just today I was looking through at possible future jobs and whatnot and the jobs did not seem that bad. I just really do not want to be a reporter... just the thought of that depresses me for some reason. I'm definately more introverted and I would need to do something along the lines of copy editing or graphic design or photography...which I do love. I don't know why I do not spend more time on the things that I am interested in (besides my friends and David). If I saved to get an awesome Nikon camera, I could go to town.
In fact...I'm going to ask for one for Christmas.
But see this? I'm 21 - getting dangerously close to 22, and I still have no idea what direction my life is going. It's scary and needless to say it occasionally keeps me up at night.
Too bad I only have one semester left....