Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Air Force Musings

I have completely forgotten about my little ole bloggeroo here! I stumbled upon it when I was adding new quotes to my Facebook. If only I could enter a blog as much as I got on "the face" I'd have a novel or two by now!

Anyway, I'm seriously thinking about joining the air force. I need direction and leadership skills ... oh and the sheer excitement from learning something new and GOING somewhere new! Everytime I think about it I start dreaming of the life I could have - how much better it would be.

Right now at work I am being considered for a supervisor position over one of the cafeterias. I could get a whole DOLLA raise! You would think someone presented with such an opportunity would be excited, but I'm not. I will take the job, of course. It's more money. However, it's just reeling me further and further into the food service world. I'm so tired of it. It's the same stuff every single day.

I am not the type of person who can do this for the rest of my life. I need to constantly be learning something or I feel like I'm wasting away.

And the air force would be the perfect choice. There are so many benefits and opportunities that come with joining.

All I need to do is finish my last credit for school and I'm DONE! I can leave Knoxville and start somewhere fresh! AND make 3x the money I'm making now.

I just wouldn't know what to do with it! Ha. Who am I kidding...yes I would.