Thursday, January 29, 2009

Radio News

Hello All.
Tomorrow I begin my work at 90.3 The Rock, our campus radio station, gathering news stories and sound bites.
I'll let you know how it goes.
I still need to get working on taking pictures for The Daily Beacon or the school's news site TNJN.
And I need to shadow some people in the industry.
I really need to start getting myself out there to really find my niche in this industry.

Friday, January 23, 2009

FDA approves stem cell research

I was watching the news this morning and saw that only three days after President Obama became president, the FDA gave the green light for the first embryonic stem cell clinical trials in humans.

I personally think it is a huge milestone in medical history and I am for it. Yes, the embryo is destroyed once used, but it is saving another  life. Some people see this as playing God, and thus unethical, but...I can't agree. 

What if something happened to someone you love? Would you change your mind?

The clinical tests are scheduled to start this summer.

More about this here

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I Apologize

I learned yesterday that blog entries are generally supposed to be short.
People's attention spans do not hold long enough to read long drawn out entries.
So I'm just here to say "I'm sorry."
How's that?
Short enough for you?
Could you read the whole thing through?
Good I'm glad.
I have to nap now.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm Supposed To Be Writing An Autobiography...

BUT I'd rather post a random blog with like two pictures.

HOORAY procrastination!

And I love how I'm procrastinating the most simple of assignments already. I am such a WINNER!

This is my cat Bonnie. I could not find a smart way to smuggle her into my dorm so she waits patiently at home for me. I miss her. Even though she's rather mean and sometimes annoying. That's why we get along so well.

This is me pretending to be candid. What am I smiling about and what am I looking at? The ceiling. Yes. I make that ceiling appear to be quite the charmer - holds my attention and gaze with such ease. Am I weirding you all out yet? I bet you feel sorry for my friends right now don't you?

Well you should. And I should be getting to that autobiography. My thrilling tale awaits to be introduced to pen and paper... and by that I totally mean I'm typing it up and probably emailing it. SAVE THE TREES MAN!


Monday, January 12, 2009

Strive For The Minimum

Well, my original plan to try and finish all of my courses I needed this semester and NOT have to attend summer classes has been successfully THWARTED by UT and budget cuts and strict teachers that don't believe in CO-requisites.

Yes indeed. I sure got bumped out of my 333 editing class. I tried to take it as a co-requisite with 315 reporting. No way. That teacher could not have been more strict about who is allowed in that class. BUT I'M A SENIOR! That does not carry any weight these days. Not with the budget cuts. The communications department seems to have been hit hard. The number of classes has dwindled dramatically. It is hard for any communications student to get all the classes they need - senior or not! And I read in the school newspaper that there is to be yet another cut. I wonder if UT will accept fewer students this next term. Probably not. The students provide money...despite the fact that they are paying big bucks for a schedule they cannot fill with classes they actually need. Guess they'll have to jump on my little bandwagon and pay extra to take summer's all a gigantic scheme to make more money...I just know it.

So with that, I am taking a whole 12 hours again. I think I'm actually going to enjoy these classes though. They seem involved and they are the classes that will actually come in handy in the job market. One especially is online journalism 222. We get to write our own stories, shoot the video, take the pictures, do voice overs, and post them online! All of that! It's like we're working for the Which I think will be increadibly beneficial - especially the video. Photojournalists are often required to know how to use video equipment as well and know how to edit and all that. With this class I can learn how to! So I am stoked.

I've also decided to put off my practicum for the summer. I'm going to be here anyway taking 333. Might as well do my practicum when there are fewer students to compete with and when I have more time.

On a completely different level, I'm reading Twilight. Oh yes. I have successfully fallen into the crowd of vampire-loving, pale-faced wannabies that are obsessed with this book series. And I am fastly becoming one of them. I am only on chapter 8 or 9 of the first book, but I have to say that I am quite hooked. I've been intrigued by vampires for some time - probably ever since I saw Interview with a Vampire (oooooh Brad Pitt....). And now Edward Cullen is making me (and many pre-pubescent girls as well as college students...and probably soccer moms...and librarians...and...) have that longing for an impossibly gorgeous vampire to bite me. I hate when books are so good that when you put it down to get back to your reality, you have to sigh with a sort of displeasure. And you realize your life sort

Well I have one more cup of coffee to down and I must be off to class. I am extremely tired seeing as I stayed up to read Twilight and then could not fall asleep til about 3 am. And my skin is gross shade of pale and yellow thanks to the ugly winter season. My dark circles are growing more prominant. I'm starting to resemble my little blood-sucking friends. ... yes! The transformation will soon be COMPLETE!

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Boys Are Back in Town... least I am!
I just rolled into Knoxville at like 11pm after driving through some nastastic (ooooo, you like that?) fog and the dangerous winding curves of the mountains. Good thing David was with me navigating and telling me to slow my roll on the road. I probably would've died without his company.

So guess what?! Santa sooooooo delivered this year! I got the Canon Rebel xsi! Yeah I could hardly believe it! Needless to say, for the remainder of Christmas day I was quite anti-social. I was fiddling with the camera trying to figure out what it had and what all I could make magic with! I would find a subject and shoot about 20 different pictures just trying different exposures. I'm still learning how to use it, but I love to! It is something I am willing to learn!

Oh man, speaking of photography and learning (COMBINED TO MAKE AN EPIC CONCOCSION THAT IS SOON TO BE MY CAREEERRRRRRR) I have to get going on my practicum. I know my concentration is magazine, but I really want to have a job as a photographer. I need to email and maybe the metropulse. I would love even more if I could KEEP a job there! That way I can stay here while David finishes school.

Oh this semester is going to be no fun. No sir. No ma'am.

I'm basically taking a lot of courses that I was supposed to have taken back in like my sophomore year, but have thus far successfully eluded. However, it's about graduation time and I guess I better take them. It's a lot of reporting classes and editing and random journalism electives. If I didn't have to take all these classes I would've signed up for the advanced photojournalism course. But naturally, it's full.

And as of now, I'm probably going to have to finish school in the summer. Probably take one or two classes that I couldn't fit in (oh pre have screwed me big time).

But hey, what's $1,000 more right???

Well, it's about 2:30 am. And I wonder why I get up at 1 pm and have to use a bottle of concealer a day for my dark circles! be a night creature.

Goodnight ;)