Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm Supposed To Be Writing An Autobiography...

BUT I'd rather post a random blog with like two pictures.

HOORAY procrastination!

And I love how I'm procrastinating the most simple of assignments already. I am such a WINNER!

This is my cat Bonnie. I could not find a smart way to smuggle her into my dorm so she waits patiently at home for me. I miss her. Even though she's rather mean and sometimes annoying. That's why we get along so well.

This is me pretending to be candid. What am I smiling about and what am I looking at? The ceiling. Yes. I make that ceiling appear to be quite the charmer - holds my attention and gaze with such ease. Am I weirding you all out yet? I bet you feel sorry for my friends right now don't you?

Well you should. And I should be getting to that autobiography. My thrilling tale awaits to be introduced to pen and paper... and by that I totally mean I'm typing it up and probably emailing it. SAVE THE TREES MAN!


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