But, before leaving my room (dressed like it was snowing) for class I decided I would grab my camera and take a few pictures if I could find anything worth shooting.
I ended up taking a few pictures of blooming flowers - my favorite aspect of Spring.
And I think I have an idea now for an assignment in my online journalism class.
The assignment is a weather-related. We can compose a story with multimedia involving the weather in some sort of fashion. And while taking pictures of flowers I thought why not do a story on ... *drumroll please* POLLEN! hahaha.
How very original right? It's just hard to come up with a story surrounding weather out of thin air (no pun intended). Or maybe I can do a "getting ready for summer" story. Include the school pool being cleaned, girls hittin the tanning beds like the sun is about to implode, ppl working on their beach bods...that'd be hilarious.
Anyway...it's due this upcoming Tuesday. Arg.
Anyway. Here's a few of the pictures I took this morning. They aren't fantastic or anything.

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